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What You Can Do to Make your Landscape the Talk of the Neighborhood

Andrew Hall • May 04, 2020

The way one keeps the grounds around their house leaves an impression on all those that pass by. A well-kept yard gives the impression of a hardworking, prosperous household. The land you own and the house you live in are two of the greatest financial assets that you have. You should take pride in them and take great care of them. If you are looking to make a statement with your landscaping, consider the following ideas.

Amp Up Your Garden

One of the keys to having a stunning garden is the proper placement of your plants. Some plants will need lots of shade, while others enjoy constant sun. There are a variety of full sun plants that you can include in your garden. These plants do well in the outer parts of your yard away from the shadow of your home. As you place your foliage, consider the color combinations that you seek to create. Do you want an orderly feel with colors separated? Or do you want to blend colors for a more natural feel?

Another important aspect of gardening is timing. You want to pay special attention to when each of your flowers bloom. A well-planned garden will have different flowers blooming at different times so that there is always something beautiful to see.

Add a Water Feature

A water feature has an enormous impact on the ambience of a landscape. The trickling sound of flowing water is soothing to the human mind. On a hot day, the evaporation of water will also help keep the area cool and comfortable. A water feature can be as simple as installing a small fountain, or as grand as a waterfall. If you incorporate a pond into your landscape, it can be a great place to keep ducks, geese, turtles, and fish. If you are considering a Koi pond, be aware that a Koi pond is not the same as a regular pond and requires additional equipment and maintenance.

Install Outdoor Lighting

Installing outdoor lighting will allow your beautiful landscape to be seen at night as well as during the day. There are many different options. You can have strings of lights running above the yard, which can be a great option for parties. You can use small ground lights that shine a spotlight on bushes and trees. Another classy option would be to install miniature lampposts.

Outdoor lighting does more than just help with aesthetics. A well-lit backyard will allow you to have outdoor gatherings with friends and families at later hours. It also increases security by reducing the places that an approaching criminal can hide.

Create a Stone Path

Nothing pains the owner of a garden more than seeing it trampled by the careless feet of others. You can solve this problem by making a path for others to use. You can keep a natural ambience by making this path out of stone. A stone path won’t wear away or get muddy like a dirt or grass one. These paths can be made of stepping stones, or gravel. If you opt for a gravel pathway, be aware that you will need to maintain it, since gravel tends to get kicked around by careless feet.

Lawn Aeration

Everyone loves lush green grass. Your grass is the backdrop of your landscaping canvas. If you do not maintain a healthy lawn, all your other efforts will have a lackluster effect. If your lawn looks like it’s getting old and dry, you may need to have it aerated. Aeration puts holes in the soil, allowing air and water to penetrate the thick grass and encouraging the growth of deeper roots. You do not need to aerate every year, but it should be done regularly. The best way to get a lawn aerated is to hire a professional service. It costs about $150 on average and takes roughly half an hour. Considering that it only needs to be done once every two to three years, it isn’t an expensive procedure.

Edging and Trimming

The human eye appreciates defined lines. Plants on the other hand, appreciate growing all over the place. You can have a big impact on the look of your yard just by making sure that your plants don’t overrun their bounds. At least once a year, you should be edging your lawn. If you want to maintain crisp lines, try to do it monthly. Be sure to use an edger. Using the edge of a weed trimmer can make your lawn more vulnerable to weeds.

Your trees and bushes also need to be trimmed regularly, but keep in mind that timing is very important. If you trim at the wrong time, you will be left with an ugly barren bush that may die. Since plants store their energy in their leaves, if you trim at the wrong time of year you could be cutting off the plant’s food supply. The optimal time to trim a plant is dependent on the species, so be sure to do your research. Consult with a botanist or professional gardener if you need help.

Rock Garden

A rock garden is a beautiful feature. There are many different ways that you can approach it. A more traditional rock garden is devoid of plants and has many small pebbles with perhaps a few large stepping stones. The keeper of the garden will rake the pebbles regularly to create different patterns.

In a broader sense, a rock garden is simply the idea of using rocks as features. You can create some beautiful effects by stacking rocks, or by using them to line the edges of a terrace.


Statues are a wonderful way to put art into your landscape. Stone statues will give a more natural look but get worn over time. Metallic statues won’t feel as natural but can provide a striking beauty. You can even use old antiques like an old chair, a bike, or even an antique car.

If you want to make an impression with your yard, one of the most important things you can do is to make it unique. Your home and yard should be an expression of yourself that you share with others. When you truly connect with your yard, it will become a joy to maintain, rather than a chore.

Landscaping can be a great way to boost your curb appeal and prepare your house for sale. If you’re ready to list, be sure to contact us and see how we can help you sell your North Liberty, Iowa home!

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