Blog Post

How to Reduce Your Monthly Mortgage Costs

Sep 30, 2021

If you are interested in finding a way to have more money in your monthly budget, you may be looking at reducing costs in order to save. Having a lower mortgage payment is one way to achieve this goal. There are a few different ways that you can go about reducing your monthly mortgage costs to save money.

Look for a Lower Interest Rate

Lowering your mortgage interest rate is one way to save money on your house payment. If you want to find a lower interest rate, you need to make sure you have a good credit score. This will help if you plan to ask your existing lender for a lower rate. If you have been keeping up with your mortgage payments, this shows that you are a good lender, and they might be willing to lower your rate. If they refuse, shop around at other banks and credit unions that may be able to give you a better interest rate.

Put Down More

Putting more money down at the outset can also help you save money on your mortgage payment. If you are able to put down a higher down payment, lenders will see you as less of a risk. If you put down less than 20%, you will have to pay PMI. However, if you put down 20% or more, you will have the option of lower interest rates. You will pay less in interest over time because the size of your loan is smaller, and your monthly payments will also be lower. 


Another good option if you are looking to save money on a mortgage is to refinance. Refinancing replaces your existing home loan with an entirely new one. Your goal is to refinance for a new loan that has a lower interest rate. To save money you can also refinance for a longer loan term. The downside to this type of refinancing is you may pay more over time in interest. You can ask your new lender to match your remaining loan term to reduce the interest you will pay.

Saving money on your mortgage is possible if you are willing to spend a bit more upfront, or do some negotiating with your lender. This will allow you to divert money into other savings or expenses. Taking the steps to save money on your mortgage will make it easier to achieve your other financial goals.

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By Dotcom Design 21 Oct, 2022
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