Iowa City is known for being a very popular city for a variety reasons. The University of Iowa (UI) has an amazing athletic program and academic majors. Historic facts about UI includes being the first university within the United States to allow men and women to be admitted with equal opportunities in 1855. UI is part of the trio regent universities in the state (which also includes University of Northern Iowa, and Iowa State University). The UI also houses hospitals and clinics that has performed over 5,000 organ transplants. Fun fact of Iowa City... it is currently home of the largest wooden nickel (16 feet and 3 inches), which is housed on a farm north of the city. 
Are you an adventurous person that likes to (and enjoy) daily local attractions? Iowa City has a plethora of options for you. Feel free to learn local history by visiting the Old Capitol Museum, and the Museum of Natural History. Do you enjoy gazing out at Mother Nature while consuming delectable food and drinks. 
As you search for the perfect place to call home, feel free to ask the caring locals the neighborhoods have a variety of areas that are fitting for all age brackets, personal preferences, and career driven professionals. 
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